I wanted to just take a quick second and say thank you to all of the people who have offered their support and suggestions as we work up to the one year mark of this blog, and this adoption journey. I noticed that a lot of people have been suggesting agencies and attorneys to us as they learn of our adoption plans. We certainly love and appreciate all of the information, I think it is good to know all of the options. But, it occurred to me that people may not realize that we are already working with an adoption agency out of Indianapolis. I guess we need to make it more obvious on our various online platforms, so here is my attempt! Our agency, the Independent Adoption Center is nationwide. We feel like we have a pretty good network on our side. Below is a link to our online profile with the Independent Adoption Center.
A long time ago, we had to weigh the options, educate ourselves about the process and send away for information packets on all types of family planning options (IVF, Surrogacy, clomid, private adoption, law firms, foster care system, and on and on.) Our minds continue to be open and decisions are fluid, but we think we have made the right decision for us and our family right now.
Right now our adoption goals include: an open adoption plan with an expectant mother & father if possible. These days, the hope is to create a relationship with an expectant mother in the months leading up to the birth of her child. We hope to get to know each other and build a strong foundation of trust, mutual respect, and love. The agency is available to help us on our way, but the relationship is ours to develop.
We are hoping to adopt an infant from within the United States. We are open to options that include some drug &/or alcohol exposure. We are not limiting on race or ethnicity. If you know of someone, or you yourself are considering adoption, or would like to know more, please contact us, read our online profile or call our agency. Our phone # is below and it rings directly to our cell phones! (pretty cool). The agency number is below as well, if you are just wanting preliminary information or counseling.
We have a Facebook page to share information and help network with potential birthparents. We can also be contacted this way.

We are happy to receive emails as well at our designated adoption email account also!
(click the icon below to open an email browser window)
All of our decisions have been made after careful consideration and weighing of all options that we feel will work for our family. The best help we can receive at this time is sharing our story, and word of mouth discussions about the great gift of adoption within your personal and professional circles. You never know who is out there looking for an answer to an unplanned pregnancy. We hope to offer the gift of security and love to another family. We know we are ready to love and parent children. We know our family will grow someday!