So, you saw all those documents on our
kitchen table in our previous post, right? If not, the picture is to the right there. We gathered all of that
background-checking, health-screening, and weird stuff we didn't even
know existed detailing all the intimate parts of our lives all in an
effort to set up our home study. Yes – THE HOME STUDY. This is
where a social worker comes to your house to make sure you aren't
crazy people living in filth. I mean they verify that you are a
stable loving couple with a healthy home that can support the
addition of a child. The Home Study is technically the only
state-mandated legal process a family must go through in order to
adopt - so everyone, no matter if you are with an agency, law firm,
or going independent, has to have a home study!
I believe we have already told you
about the questionnaires that we had to fill out before this could
happen. We had to write about our relationship, our childhoods, our
anticipated parenting style, and our feelings about adoption. So, as
it turns out, the social worker who performs the home study receives
those answers and then uses that information to plan their in-home
interview with you.

But before that, THERE WAS THE
CLEANING. Oh yes, they say don't worry about your house being
perfect, BUT come on, we wanted our house to be as perfect as we
could make it. Why not try to look really great, and spotless, and
fresh, and Martha Stewarty (pre-jail) for the social worker who is
deciding whether or not you are fit to bring home a baby? There are
also things the agency said we needed to have in place LIKE: a fire
extinguisher on each level and a carbon monoxide detector. Also guns
had to be locked up (we have none, check) and absolutely no torture
dungeons (we walled that up, check). Here's the sweet part about
doing a massive clean like that – we are still riding that wave 60
days-ish later. Nice! My office hasn't looked cleaner. My office's
closet has...before I moved all the clutter that was in my office
into it for the big clean. Sorry closet, you hide dark terrible
clutter secrets inside you better.
Terrible clutter closet! |

So, the big day came for the in-home
social worker interview on SATURDAY AUGUST 3rd. And it was totally
casual and cool. Our social worker's name was Pam, and she couldn't
have been more chill. We all sat down at our kitchen table and
essentially talked for half an hour rehashing the questions from our
questionnaires. It was actually kind of fun. Super easy, no sweat.
Pam basically said that they like to watch you answer the questions
in person and with each other to make sure no one is giving off any
weird vibes (paraphrased). Weird vibes like: “crazy liars,”
“uncomfortable relationship,” “terrible people,” etc... I
also made up all of those categories. The social worker is just
there to make sure that all of the information and answers you offered in
your questionnaires lines up and that you can interact positively
with people. The last thing she did was take a brief tour of our
house. She did look in every room (except for you terrible clutter
secret office closet, SHWEW). It was fun for us to show her the
room that will become the nursery! It already had a few baby things
in it that we might have swiped from our own garage sale donations.
Don't judge us. And, Pam did notice our new fire extinguishers and
carbon monoxide detector. Oh yeah! We have the safest house
ever...is what I imagine she was thinking the entire time. Totally.
Nursery room with stolen baby donations. :) |
So she left telling us that it would
take her two weeks to write her report, two weeks for the agency to
review, and another week or two for the state to approve it. If
you're doing that math, that is several weeks. By SATURDAY AUGUST
st, we received a certificate of home study approval for
Andrew Joplin and Will Jenkins – a very awesome gay couple who are
also with the IAC who we were very happy to see also had an approved
home study. But yeah, not the right certificate for us obviously.
They put the wrong one in our packet – the rest of the study was
our information. We just got a corrected certificate a couple of
weeks later. The certificate is really just a memento – nothing
official official. So, it only took 4ish weeks to totally complete our home
study! We are officially approved to receive a child into our home legally and
everything! Now we are on the clock too. Your home study only lasts a
year. Tick Tock. Time to find a birthmother... but alas, more work
to be done before we can officially “be found.”
We gotta get our
“Dear Birthmother Letter” finished! (Our next post will be ALL ABOUT THAT...)